Activity: Nondisjunction and Intersex Traits


In this activity, students pick up the nuts and bolts of nondisjunction by playing the Meiosis Game created by Sara Freeman and Matt Gilbert. Students simulate two scenarios of nondisjunction and record information about the intersex traits that arise. Students learn that while 46,XX and 46,XY are the most common human karyotypes, there are many other viable and naturally occurring variations. Then students evaluate the merits and limitations of the model.

Student Work Samples

Student Worksheet

Nondisjunction and Intersex Traits - Use The most common karyotypes are 46,XX (typical women) and 46,XY (typical men). A human with a different karyotype from these is said to have a form of intersex trait. In this activity, you will explore intersex traits that can result from nondisjunction (not separating) of sex chromosomes (X and Y) during meiosis.