This is a video created through Living Laboratory(c) at the Museum of Science Boston, in collaboration with the Mahalingaiah Lab at Harvard School of Public Health. It explains menstruation in a non-gendered, non-sexual way to inform young people about changes in their bodies
“Receiving [information to counter gender stereotyping] at an early age is critical; there has been a steady decline in the average age at which puberty begins..." (NYT & PNAS 2015)
“Receiving [information designed to counter gender stereotyping] at an early age is critical. There has been a steady decline in the average age at which puberty begins. Among those assigned female at birth, some breast development by age seven and eight is no longer an anomaly. The age of the onset of puberty has also fallen for those assigned male at birth, from an average of age 11 to 10.5.”
Tabuchi, H. (2015) “Sweeping Away Gender-Specific Toys and Labels” The New York Times. Retrieved on January 23, 2019 from business/sweeping-away-gender-specific-toys-and-labels.html
Joel, D et al. (2015) “Sex beyond the genitalia: The human brain mosaic.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Dec 2015, 112 (50) 15468-15473