LGBTQ glossaries in non-English languages are a much-needed resource in many communities. Check out these resources with LGBTQ vocabulary in Spanish w/English translations, and text and audio in Burmese, Cantonese, Vietnamese, Mandarin, and Korean. If you have other resources in languages other than English that can support LGBTQ inclusion work, please email us so we can add them to our resource base!
Queering the animal kingdom: Kudos to River Suh for taking the beloved (but admittedly long and dense) book Evolution's Rainbow and producing useful tools that educators can use in the classroom! This spreadsheet details examples taken from the book of different non-normative sex, gonadal, and sexual selection-related behavior and streamlines them to be easily accessible.
Sports and athletics access for transgender students: Sports and athletics are often a fraught space for transgender and gender non-conforming students, but they don't have to be. Transathlete has gathered data on athletics policies in all 50 states and promotes this standard, gender-inclusive policy for use in schools across the country. The Transgender Law and Policy Institute has their own succinct set of recommendations for children's participation in athletics, while On the Team provides a more in-depth look at creating equal opportunity for transgender athletes.
Recent media related to gender-inclusive biology:
Upcoming conference appearances:
Time to Thrive Conference, Washington, DC, February 14-16
STAO Conference, Toronto, ON, March 26-27th
NSTA National Conference, Boston, MA, April 2-5th
Have a great start to your new year!
Lewis, Sam, and River